A Wife Demands the Death of her Mother-in-Law

A Wife Demands the Death of her Mother-in-Law

A Wife Demands the Death of her Mother-in-Law

Read this storyListen to the Na'eesh Mabadh
A couple had been in a courtship for years and one day the guy told his girlfriend that they should get married. She agreed, but she gave him a condition: “Unless you kill your mother, you cannot marry me.”

Unless you kill your mother, you cannot marry me!

The young man took his spear and went back home to kill his mother. But before he entered the house where his mother was with his siblings, he peeped through the window and he saw his mother was eating. Then his baby brother defecated; the mother wiped her son clean and she continued eating. After a while the same baby boy vomited and again she wiped him, then after she continued eating without washing her hands. The son was emotionally touched while he was peeping from outside. Then he entered the house and asked his mother, “So, this is how you have been nurturing us?”
His mother answered, “Yes.”
Again the son asked her, “This is how exactly you have been nurturing me?”
“Yes, my son,” the mother said.
“Mother, when I was coming home I had my spear and I wanted to kill you
because I have a girlfriend whom I want to marry. She told me that I should
first kill you so that I can marry her, but I was emotionally touched when I
saw you wiping my baby brother after he defecated and vomited, and you
didn’t wash your hands and you just continued eating.”
The young man decided to shift his mother and siblings to a different village and made for them a new home. Then he came back and he paid a full dowry and married his girlfriend telling her, “I have killed my mother as you asked me to”.

After some months, the new wife got pregnant. While in her seventh month of pregnancy, the husband told her, “We are going to construct our two houses and you will be the one carrying all the building materials like grass used for thatching the house, but also you have to do the domestic work.”

She replied, “I can’t do all this work alone because I am pregnant. Maybe I will get one of my sisters at home to help me.” But the husband insisted, reminding her, “You asked me to kill my mother who could have been of help to you, and so you should do the work.”

This became a routine even during her second, third, and fourth pregnancies, and she complained to her husband, “Whenever you know I am pregnant, that is when we demolish the houses and construct the new ones!”

I can’t do all this work alone because I am pregnant. Maybe I will get one of my sisters at home to help me

The husband asked his wife, “Do you love your mother?”
“Yes,” she said.

“Then why did you ask me to kill my mother? Because she would have helped you during all this time, but instead it seems you wanted to be alone.”

He decided to bring his mother and siblings back and when the wife saw her mother-in-law coming from a distance she ran to hug her.

The following morning the wife brewed alcohol and they called a gathering of all the in-laws, and the entire community was present. The husband stood up in front of the gathering and told them, “My people, I called you here because years back my wife asked me to kill my mother so that I could marry her. I faked my mother’s death so I married my wife, but whenever she becomes pregnant I tell her to re-construct our houses.”

My people, I called you here because years back my wife asked me to kill my mother so that I could marry her. I faked my mother’s death so I married my wife, but whenever she becomes pregnant I tell her to re-construct our houses.

Everyone was saddened by this story and afterwards they slaughtered three cows: one for the return of the mother, a second one for reunification of the family, and the third one for the faking of the mother’s death. They lived happily with their family; the wife took care of the whole family including the mother in-law, and even sometimes even bathed her.


1) Why does the wife ask her husband to kill his mother? 
2.) Have you ever been angry or jealous enough to wish death on someone? What did you do when you felt this way?
3) When a woman is pregnant is it fair to expect her to do all the work without assisting her?
4) Should the husband have spent so long preparing his revenge? Were his actions fair?

The Wife Demands the Death of her Mother-in-Law

by Na'eesh Mabadh Team | Na'eesh Mabadh Radio Programme

Enjoyed A Wife Demands the Death of her Mother-in-Law? Listen to the Na’eesh Mabadh adaptation of this folktale for radio.

Na’eesh Mabadh is a peacebuilding project inspired by South Sudanese folktales.
Learn more about this project on the Na’eesh Mabadh page.


The Pumpkin is for Me and You

The Pumpkin is for Me and You

The Pumpkin is for Me and You

Read this storyListen to the storyteller

Jack’s wife is a woman who does not cooperate with others. She also has large number of children to take care of. Her husband, Jack, is a struggling man who works a lot and through his work, gains a lot.

Whenever Jack brings a lot of food when he comes home. His wife allocates some for food to be consumed by family members and keeps some in her stock.

The neighbouring women at the village know that Jack’s house has enough food. Whenever one of the women needs assistance, she picks her pumpkin container* (calabash) and goes to Jack’s house. But Jack’s wife drives them out without giving them anything, even if they ask explicitly, and she does not respect the tradition of holding the pumpkin container.

But variability is the nature of life and at some point Jack becomes ill; his illness intensified and eventually he died.

As Jack was good to them, many men and women attend his funeral and offer consolation. They return home immediately after the funeral.

Days pass and food in the stock of Jack’s home runs out. Jack’s wife does not know where to get food for her children and she does not like to cooperate with others.

She never assisted any person and so her children soon become vulnerable. Jack’s wife soon becomes unable to afford to feed her children. Their screaming for food was alarming because of hunger.

This pumpkin is for you, me, and for everyone. We need each other and therefore we should cooperate among ourselves.

Eventually, the community elders of her village gathered and discussed the screaming from Jack’s house, but they
could not find an answer. They decided to go to the house. When the elders reached, they found the children and the mother exhausted.

Everyone knew that this could be the harshest treatment of Jack’s wife by the needy who came to ask her for food, but whom she did not give to.

The wise man of the village asked Jack’s wife, “Did you carry your pumpkin container and go to the neighbours or relatives and no one gave to you?”

She replied that she had not.

The wise man responded to her, “This pumpkin is for you, me, and for everyone. We need each other and therefore we should cooperate among ourselves.”


1) Do you think that the truth will always come out/prevail? Does that give you hope or make you afraid?

2) What matters most in this story, truth or power? What should matter most in the world, truth or power?

3) Was murder a reasonable price to pay for a man who only told the truth?


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Na’eesh Mabadh Programme

The Story of the Young Man and the Skull

by Na'eesh Mabadh Team | Na'eesh Mabadh Radio Programme

The Story of a Woman who is Rejected by her Husband

The Story of a Woman who is Rejected by her Husband

The Story of a Woman who is Rejected by her Husband

Read this storyListen to Na'eesh Mabadh

Once upon a time, there was a man who had three wives. The man was very rich and could not think of anything else apart from his wealth. The third wife had two children and, since she was the last wife of the man, she was expected to do anything that was necessary in the whole family.

The woman was very busy to the extent that the work became too much for her, and sometimes she decided to dodge. When this happened she was hated by the other ladies and the husband. She was termed to be the lazy woman. The husband decided to deprive her, and even hated her and the children.

One day the man decided to chase her away from the family; the woman took with her all her belongings and the children, and decided to go and look for a place where she could live with her two children in peace. She went and stayed where there was nobody, deep in the forest. She stayed there for some good years until her children grew up.

In the forest there were many wild animals, but from the very first day, every morning she would find a dead animal outside her tukul which the woman built. She did not know exactly who brought the animals, but one day a lion came to her and told her, “Do you know who usually brings to you the meat that you eat with your family?”

“No,” the woman said.

The lion told her, “It is me, Mawu, who feeds you and now I am telling you this as a secret. I will give you all that you need in life and you will be a happy woman”. The lion told her, “Every time you see a dead animal lying on the left-hand side, that is mine; and if you find it lying on the right-hand side, that is yours”.


I will give you all you need in life, and you will be a happy woman.


The lion continued feeding the woman and her children and one day told the woman, “Today in the evening, you climb a tree and look to the east and if you see the smoke of fire, do not panic, that is me coming with animals.”

The woman did as the lion said and surely she saw the smoke. The second time she climbed the tree she saw the smoke, and the smoke was getting closer and closer. From a distance she saw animals in white and black. She now began to doubt, and wondered to herself ‘What were these strange kinds of animals?


To her surprise she realised they were cows and she watched them as they were coming. The cows came and lay down in her compound. The lady quietly gathered some grass and made a fire. The cows did not go anywhere and no one came after her. She prayed to God because God had heard her prayers and had helped her through Lion. She believed that God used the lion to do all these acts of kindness and solve her problem.

After some days, the lady became happy and she told her children, “Now it is time for us to go back to our people,” and they went with their cows.

Back at her husband’s home, the other ladies had rebelled against the husband. They all left to their homes of origin and the man was left alone.

The lady and the children travelled for many days, and as they moved, some young men from their own village saw the cows from the distance. They went back and reported this to the elders and all young men planned to go and loot the cows. But one of the elders told them, “Wait, we should not attack them, the owner might be seeking refuge and we should let them come and stay peacefully.”

The lady came and settled with her children and cows under a very big tree. The elders talked among themselves and finally they sent a group  to go and find out who the newcomers were, and where were they coming from. The group went and from a distance they recognised the woman as a wife of Guzul, the one who disappeared a long time ago. They rushed and greeted her warmly and some of them went back and told the others that the wife of Guzul had come back with very many cows and her children had grown into young men.

Mr. Guzul was called to come and see his wife. Guzul was happy and knelt down before his wife and children and asked the wife to forgive him. He also asked the elders and the whole community to forgive him. The woman forgave him and went with him to their former home. She asked the whereabouts of the others ladies whom the husband loved most and he explained how they had left him. Guzul stayed with his wife and the two children happily and enjoyed the wealth his wife had brought. They became the richest family in the community.


1) What does this story teach us about how women should behave?
2) What do you think the woman learns during her time in the wilderness? What do you think her husband learns?

Folktales Collected in Renk

Folktales Collected in Pibor

Folktales Collected in Bentiu

Folktales Collected in UNMISS PoC site, Juba

The Story of a Woman who is Rejected by her Husband

by Na'eesh Mabadh Team | Na'eesh Mabadh Radio Programme

Enjoyed The Story of a Woman who is Rejected by her Husband? Listen to the Na’eesh Mabadh adaptation of this folktale for radio.

Na’eesh Mabadh is a peacebuilding project inspired by South Sudanese folktales.
Learn more about this project on the Na’eesh Mabadh page.