The Story of the Chicken and the Eagle
The Story of the Chicken and the Eagle
Read this storyOnce upon a time Chicken and Eagle were good friends. They lived together and shared everything, but both were featherless.
One day they decided to think of flying and they decided that they should sew or stitch feathers on for their wings. Eagle sewed his feathers on and tried flying. He got on well, and everyone was very happy. Chicken did not have a sewing needle and so he decided to borrow from Eagle. Eagle gave it to him and told him to handle it carefully because it was the only remaining needle that he had.
Chicken took the needle and started sewing feathers on to his wings whilst also watching Eagle. Because Chicken was distracted by Eagle, he did not sew his feathers on so well. He tried also to fly. But Chicken couldn’t fly as well as Eagle did, and as he was flying several times, he lost the needle.
I remember telling you to handle it with care and if you have
lost it, I will always be taking your chicks until you bring back my needle.
Eagle came back and requested for his needle. Chicken told him, “Wait my dear, let me look for it because I can’t remember where I have put it.”
Eagle told him, “I remember telling you to handle it with care and if you have lost it, I will always be taking your chicks until you bring back my needle.”
Chicken started looking and searching for the needle everywhere he went, whether he is in the rubbish or eating; but up to date, he is still searching for the needle whilst Eagle is always taking his chicks.
1) Was the punishment Eagle exercised on Chicken fair? Why or why not?
2) What does this story teach us about listening to others? About caring for others’ belongings?
Storytelling Session Details
Storyteller: Youth
Language: Murle
Story Researcher: Docklace Api
Place: Pibor
Date: 2016
Folktales Collected in Renk
Folktales Collected in Pibor
Folktales Collected in Bentiu
Folktales Collected in UNMISS PoC site, Juba
The Story of Chicken and Elephant
Enjoyed The Story of Chicken and Elephant? Listen to the Na’eesh Mabadh adaptation of this folktale for radio.
Na’eesh Mabadh is a peacebuilding project inspired by South Sudanese folktales.
Learn more about this project on the Na’eesh Mabadh page.
Folktales Collected in Pibor

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